Ramblings of a Young Mama

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Some time to blog..

So it's really been a while since I have sat down and blogged. I have a little bit of free time so here goes :)

The last few weeks have been CRAZY! Between packing, sorting, school, work and everything else under the sun I'm lucky to even have my mind! I'm just about done packing! I've got some sheets and what not to wash up, some clothes to box up, and Keegan's toys to pack and then I'm done. It's really surreal to me still I think. In 3 days I'll be heading 1000+ miles south to a new beginning! Excitement, Nervousness, Wonder, Scared, Nausea, Anxiety, Curious, Overwhelmed are some among many other feelings that are going through me right now. I feel in my heart that everything will be ok. It's just this initial move I think that has my guts in a pretzel shape at the moment.

I've really been slacking on my school work because of this move. There's just been so much to do. I know I shouldn't be slacking on something so important, but on that same note, Keegan and being done with everything are really important. I hope everything will be ok will school and my grades will be back up.

I worked for the last time up here yesterday. I can't really believe it. Like wow, next week I'll have new co-workers! That's nerve-wrecking all in itself since I have no clue what the people are like down there. Most everyone is welcoming, waves to you and has random chit chat with people they don't even know up here. I live in a pretty country small area. I love it! I'm moving to a big city - eh, not so sure I'm going to like it. I guess we'll see!

Keegan is being a little poop-head lately. I guess I can blame it on "Terrible Twos" beginning. He's 16 months now and boy oh boy does he like to throw some temper tantrums! GRRRR! He drives me NUTS-O sometimes! As if I'm not crazy enough already ;))

Justin and I are doing well for the circumstances. I'm stressed out and we are bickering a little because I keep snapping on him. It'll be fine once this move is done and all. I'm so stressed about the drive down and getting everything moved in by ourselves. I just keep telling myself we'll be ok. Everything will go off without a hitch. Or that's how it happens in a perfect world anyway! [ please note this is NOT a perfect world! ]

I REALLY miss designing! I just don't have the time or the creativity these days! My lovely bestie Mandy has also propositioned me to team up with her and create some scraps. That could be in the works once I'm settled in, in Florida. [ keep your eyes open for that ;) ] I did do a paid siggy this week and a few blinkies with the little bit of spare online time that I've had. They turned out pretty good!

Alright, Backyardigans is on and Keegan is wanting to snuggle me and watch them so that's all for now!

Until next time,


m said...

AWWW {{HUGS}}Sweetie! I'm sure it will be fine :) And YES we def. have to hook up for scrappin' :D